Bestellen Sie Ihre Sondermahlzeit bei der Buchung Ihres Tickets oder später über „Meine Reservierung ändern“ bis 48 Stunden vor dem Flug
Liste der Sondermahlzeiten
Meals | Code | Description |
Gluten free | GFML | Does not contain: gluten, bread, sauces, pasta, custard, cakes, chocolate and crackers. |
Vegetarian | VGML | Contains: all types of vegetables and fresh fruits, cereals. Does not contain: food of animal origin (meat, fish, dairy products and eggs). |
Salt free | LSML | Does not contain: salt. |
Bland | BLML | Light meal for stomach, intestines and cardiovascular diseases |
Diabetic | DBML | Contains: skim milk, butter, natural yogurts, lean meat, boiled or mashed potatoes, vegetables and fresh fruits. Does not contain: fatty foods, or fried, sugar and syrup. |
Hindou | HNML | Contains: lamb, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products. Does not contain: beef and veal. *Non vegetarian meal prepared according to Hindu rules. |
Lacto-ovo Vegetarian | VLML | Contains: vegetables, fresh fruits, eggs, dairy products and pulses. Does not contain: protein base of animal origin. |
Asian Vegetarian | AVML | Contains: vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Does not contain: meat, poultry, fish and eggs. *Vegetarian meal flavored with spices from the Indian subcontinent. |
Kids | CHML | From 2 to 12 years old. |
Babies | BBML | Prepackaged products suitable for babies. From 0 to 2 years old. |
Casher | KSML | Meals prepared in Jewish food rules. |
Low calories meal | LCML | Low calorie meal |
Wichtige Info
- Diese Mahlzeiten sind nur auf Royal Air Maroc-Flügen verfügbar.
- Inlandsflüge bieten keine Sondermahlzeiten an, mit Ausnahme von Flügen nach/von Dakhla und/nach Laayoune.
- Je nach Reiseziel sind gewisse Sondermahlzeiten nicht verfügbar. Bei den folgenden Zwischenstopps werden keine Sondermahlzeiten angeboten:
Keine Mahlzeiten verfügbar
Departure airport | Not available meals |
Brazzaville | Gluten-free, Baby, Hindu and Kosher |
Cairo | Kosher |
Doha | Baby and Kosher |
Jeddah | Kosher |
Medina | Gluten-free, Baby and Kosher |
Pointe-Noire | Gluten-free, Baby, Hindu and Kosher |
Riyadh | Hindu and Kosher |