• 1. Follow Ground Markings

    Follow the markings on the ground and pass the police filter in the transit zone

  • 2. Access Boarding Gate

    You can access the Boarding Gate immediately without waiting

  • 3. Check the screens

    Please check the information screens at the airport to check your boarding gate

  • 1. Follow Ground Markings

    Follow the markings on the ground and pass the police filter in the transit zone

  • 2. Gehen Sie zur Transitzone

    Sobald Sie in der Transitzone sind, suchen Sie den RAM-Schalter auf

  • 3. Kontakt zum RAM-Schalter

    Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Royal Air Maroc-Schalter im Transitbereich areContacta für Ihre Abholung

Dienstleistungen für Anschlusspassagiere

Das Boarding-Terminal am Casablanca Mohamed V Flughafen verfügt über zahlreiche Einrichtungen, um Ihre Reise zu erleichtern:

  • Unbegrenzter und kostenloser WLAN-Zugang
Transit type
TRANSITS LESS THAN 4 HOURS Assistance in the transit zone to welcome you and guide you
TRANSITS BETWEEN 4 AND 8 HOURS A meal voucher is offered to you in the restaurant of your choice*. Meal times: - Breakfast between 5 and 10 am. - Lunch between 11:30 am and 2:30 pm. - Dinner between 7pm and 10pm.
Access to the Oasis transit Lounge.
TRANSITS OVER 8 HOURS ( not authorized to leave Casablanca airport)

A meal voucher is offered to you. Depending on availability in the transit area, you may be offered a hotel room.

If rooms are not available, a shuttle is available every 30 minutes from the transit area to take you to the Relax Lounge where you can rest.

Pickup of passengers at a hotel outside the airport is subject to a transit visa or exit permit).

TRANSITS OVER 8 HOURS (authorized to leave Casablanca airport)

A meal voucher is offered to you. Depending on availability at the Transit & Lodging agency in Terminal 2, you may be offered a hotel room outside the airport.

(Pickup of passengers at a hotel outside the airport is subject to a transit visa or exit permit )

Zugehörige Informationen

  • Zenith lounge

    At the Mohammed V Casablanca-Nouaceur Airport is being refurbished and will now be known as "The Casablanca Lounge" in tribute to our city

    More info
  • Check in

    Check yourself in online and print your boarding pass 48 hours before your flight. Make sure that the web check-in is possible from your departure city.

    More info
  • Special services

    Royal Air Maroc pays special attention to passengers requiring special assistance and strives to guarantee optimal conditions of comfort and safety throughout the trip.

    More info