Varied and healthy meals: A snack or a hot meal is provided depending on the flight duration.

World cuisine : Moroccan, african and international cuisine to satisfy all tastes.

Royal Air Maroc serves on short haul flights lasting from 1:30 to 2:45, hot sandwiches or cold snacks with protein base, a dairy and muffin.
On medium haul flights, three choices of hot dishes including a vegetarian choice, dessert, cheese portion and chocolate are offered. A starter is served depending on the duration of the flight.
On long-haul flights, a hot meal and a snack (or breakfast) are offered.
A selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages is served to accompany the meal. At the end of the meal, our cabin crew will serve your coffe and green mint tea. Open in a new window

Ordinare pasti speciali

Se avete esigenze particolari, non esitate a comunicarcele al momento della prenotazione, in modo che possiamo preparare pasti equilibrati secondo le vostre esigenze e i vostri gusti, nel rispetto delle vostre convinzioni religiose, delle vostre esigenze mediche o delle vostre preferenze alimentari. Questi pasti sono disponibili solo sui voli operati da Royal Air Maroc. Offriamo una vasta scelta di pasti: