Main checked baggage info

Checked baggage is baggage belonging to passengers under the responsibility of the carrier, which issues a baggage check-in label. At the check-in level, the officer in charge may refuse to transport baggage which

  • Are insufficiently packaged or unsuitable for air transport
  • Present a danger to the hold of the aircraft due to its packaging, its content or its nature
  • Are in excess of authorized hold baggage allowances

You benefit from a predetermined baggage allowance set by the operator, which may vary depending on several elements (price, routing, passenger category, class ...). Three parameters determine the standard allowances for checked hold baggage:

  • Weight: the standard weight must not exceed 32 Kg
  • Volume: the addition of the three dimensions must not exceed 203 cm (height + width + length)
  • Number of pieces: 1 to 3 pieces depending on the flight number, passenger class and loyalty status (Safar Flyer)

1 to 3 pieces

Depending on the flight number, passenger class and loyalty status. (Safar Flyer)


23 or 32 kg

The standard weight must not exceed 23 or 32 Kg. Depending on the passenger class and loyalty status. (Safar Flyer)


203 cm

The addition of the three dimensions must not exceed 203 cm (height + width + length)

Checked baggage allowance

Domestic Flights Europe-Morocco No bag* or 1 piece of baggage weighing 23 kg 2 pieces of baggage weighing 32 kg each + 1 additional piece of baggage weighing 32 kg
USA/Brazil/Canada/Africa/ Middle East/China **2 pieces of baggage weighing 23 kg each 3 pieces of baggage weighing 32 kg each + 1 additional piece of baggage weighing 32 kg (23 kg if Economy class)
Qatar 2 pieces of baggage weighing 23 kg each 2 pieces of baggage weighing 32 kg each + 1 additional piece of baggage weighing 32 kg (Business class) / 1 additional piece of baggage weighing 23 kg (Economy class)

* "Eco Essential" fare product without baggage, offered at a preferential rate

** An exception to the baggage allowance, reducing it from 2PC to 1PC, may be applied for certain sectors during peak travel periods (peak season, summer). This exception applies only to specific classes and destinations.

Packaging conditions

Effectively protect the objects transported

Be related to the weight and nature of the object being packed

Be easily graspable

Do not have any roughness which could damage other baggage or injure those handling it

Be strong enough to withstand normal handling conditions

Be effectively closed to limit the risks of spoliation

Security tips

Baggage check-in is done individually and by name. For this, it is strongly recommended to display your name on your luggage using the RAM identification label. Security tips The carrier is not responsible for the following articles. You can keep these items in your hand luggage:

  • Silver, jewelry, precious metals
  • Securities, securities, business papers
  • Valuables (camera, video, etc.)
  • Fragile (crystal object, glass…)
  • Perishable (shellfish, fish, crustaceans…)
  • Samples
  • Drugs

Our partners baggage policies