Safar Family
روح العائلة دائما لها مزايا!
?احصل بسرعة على العديد من مكافآت سفر فلاير
مثل علي ، استفد من برنامج "Safar Family" من خلال تجميع أميالك على حساب مشترك!
أميال في حساب واحد للعائلة بأكملها!
للاستفادة من مزايا برنامج "Safar Family" ، يجب أولاً تسجيل كل فرد من أفراد عائلتك في برنامج سفر فلاير.
ولإرضاء جميع أفراد الأسرة ، يمكن للأجداد والآباء والأطفال الآن الاستفادة من نفس حساب عائلة سفر!
في كل مرة يشير فيها أحد أفراد العائلة إلى رقم بطاقة سفر فلاير الخاص به عند شراء التذكرة ، يتم تحويل أميال المكافأة تلقائيًا إلى حساب العائلة. ينطبق هذا أيضًا عندما لا يسافر أفراد العائلة معًا.
Quel est le délai d’achat d’un billet par internet ?
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How long does it take to purchase a ticket online?
You can buy your ticket online up until the day of departure.
However, online...
Comment puis je procéder au remboursement de mon billet ?
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How can I get a refund for my ticket?
You wish to refund a ticket purchased online or via our call center. Simply complete the online...
Can a Safar Flyer member use as many award tickets as he or she wants with <strong>one</strong>world airlines?
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Can a Safar Flyer member use as many award tickets as he or she wants with one world airlines?
Yes. A Safar Flyer member can use as...
How to register a flight made with a Royal Air Maroc airline partner?
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How to register a flight made with a Royal Air Maroc airline partner?
To do so, go to your online Safar Flyer account at the bottom of...
How to accumulate miles with Safar Flyer partners?
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How to accumulate miles with Safar Flyer partners?
Simply present your Safar Flyer card number for each transaction with one of our...
What is the Royal Air Maroc contact for Safar Flyer <strong>one</strong>world members ?
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What is the Royal Air Maroc contact for Safar Flyer one world members ?
The contacts dedicated to Safar Flyer members within the one...
If a member has a Platinum Safar Flyer card and another card from a oneworld member airline loyalty program, can he or she receive 2 pieces of excess luggage?
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If a member has a Platinum Safar Flyer card and another card from a oneworld member airline loyalty program, can he or she receive 2 pieces of...
Can a Safar Flyer member benefit from other Awards (upgrade, excess luggage allowance) on <strong>one</strong>world airline flights ?
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Can a Safar Flyer member benefit from other Awards (upgrade, excess luggage allowance) on one world airline flights ?
No. A Safar...
Is it possible to book RAM Award tickets on the oneworld website?
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Is it possible to book RAM Award tickets on the oneworld website?
No. It is not possible to book Royal Air Maroc award tickets on the...
Can the Safar Flyer member benefit from an award ticket with a oneworld airline company of which he or she is not a member of its loyalty program?
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Can the Safar Flyer member benefit from an award ticket with a oneworld airline company of which he or she is not a member of its loyalty program?
What is the procedure for acquiring awards for a flight from a partner airline?
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What is the procedure for acquiring awards for a flight from a partner airline?
The award ticket is issued at the Royal Air Maroc...
Can a Safar Flyer member transfer his miles to different <strong>one</strong>world airline loyalty programs or keep his miles on his Safar Flyer account?
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Can a Safar Flyer member transfer his miles to different one world airline loyalty programs or keep his miles on his Safar Flyer account?
If a Safar Flyer member travels with a <strong>one</strong>world airline, can he or she benefit from the advantages of his or her card on this flight before he or she has received his or her physical card?
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If a Safar Flyer member travels with a one world airline, can he or she benefit from the advantages of his or her card on this flight before he or...
What are the advantages offered by Safar Flyer partners?
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What are the advantages offered by Safar Flyer partners?
With Safar Flyer partners, you can earn Safar Flyer miles with each...
Can a Safar flyer member offer award tickets with <strong>one</strong>world partner airlines to the person of his or her choice?
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Can a Safar flyer member offer award tickets with one world partner airlines to the person of his or her choice?
Yes. It is possible...
When I arrive at the airport, what should I do?
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When I arrive at the airport, what should I do?
In you have your boarding pass and you don't have any baggage to check in (hand...
Can a member benefit from the advantages of each <strong>one</strong>world Status, even on an award ticket trip?
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Can a member benefit from the advantages of each one world Status, even on an award ticket trip?
Yes. A Safar Flyer member can...
How to join Safar Flyer?
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How to join Safar Flyer?
You can register online here or at one of our Royal Air Maroc agencies!
How to transfer miles from one Safar Flyer account to another?
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How to transfer miles from one Safar Flyer account to another?
In order to transfer your miles:
• The beneficiary member must have...
How long are my Miles valid for the individual program?
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How long are my Miles valid for the individual program?
Safar Flyer reward miles are valid for 3 years for individual account members...